Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Advice on How to Keep Your Medical Info Up-to-date

Studies show people who keep good personal health records enjoy better health. Researchers say it may be due to the fact the individual as well as their caregivers have a better understanding of their overall health. Moreover, quick access to a person’s medical history helps care providers make better informed decisions regarding needed care.

John Hopkins Medical explains a good way to start organizing your medical history is to write down the name and contact information of all of your healthcare providers. Be sure to add what role they play in your care.

In terms of paper medical documents, they say paperwork older than a year can be filed away. Current records should be kept where they are easily accessible. These should include a family medical history of grandparents, parents, siblings and other pertinent relatives. Your personal history should include all current medical conditions and how they are being treated. Additionally include past surgeries and procedures as well as hospitalizations and accidents. Doctor summaries and notes should also be in your file.

File copies of test results such as blood work, cholesterol, MRIs, bone density scans, mammograms or prostate screenings. If tests are done regularly, keep copies of past results together to help you track changes from year to year.

Another important piece of information is a list of all medications and herbal supplements you take. The John Hopkins’s article suggests using the pharmacy’s printout from each of your prescriptions as it contains the name, date and dosage of the medication.

Insurance forms should be included in your records. Legal documents like an Advance Will Directive and power of attorney document should be kept with your medical records. Lastly if you are part of a large hospital system, be sure to activate your personal medical chart as it will have information of test results, upcoming appointments, doctors’ notes and more.

MorningStar of Arvada offers the finest independent living, assisted living and memory care Arvada, CO offers to area seniors. Our independent living suites offer active seniors a high-end residential environment with an array of amenities, hospitality services, wellness programs and off-site adventures. MorningStar’s assisted living is designed to keep residents as independent as possible. For seniors with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, our distinct Reflections Neighborhood offers all-inclusive, compassionate care. Contact us to learn more.


Monday, August 26, 2024

RA Fatigue can be one of the Disease’s Most Debilitating Symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has a broad range of symptoms including joint inflammation and swelling as well as pain primarily in the hands, feet, elbows, and knees. Another common symptom is fatigued with seven out of ten patients saying they experience a lack of sleep and feelings of fatigue.

Doctors say there are several reasons why people with RA suffer from drowsiness and weakness. One of the main causes is a direct result of the inflammation that disrupts normal bodily functions. Another commonly cited reason reported by patients is a hard time sleeping through the night given the pain and discomfort they feel.

The fatigue related to RA makes it hard to catch up on sleep. Without adequate sleep, people can suffer from a lack of concentration, making it harder to maintain an active lifestyle. Fatigue can also cause irritability and be associated with depression.

However it is important to know that even though fatigue is common, doctors say if your symptoms worsen and/or you have a fever, persistent joint pain or unexplained weight loss, contact your healthcare provider. Experts say this can be a sign of disease progression or medical complications and require immediate attention.

People with RA can help manage fatigue by eating a healthy diet and engaging in low-impact exercises. Practicing good sleep habits like adhering to a regular bedtime and avoiding alcohol and caffeine several hours beforehand can additionally help. There is some data suggesting limiting TV or your exposure to devices emitting blue light a few hours before bedtime can help you sleep better.

Along with adopting good lifestyle habits, talk to your healthcare provider about medications to help reduce pain. Other strategies include learning relaxing techniques like breathing exercises and mindfulness and building a strong support network to reduce stress. 

MorningStar of Arvada is a vibrant senior communities offering built-in companionship, predictable budgeting, all-day dining and programs to enhance quality of life. Our stylish suites are available in various floorplans and configurations for plenty of choices. For seniors with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, Reflections Neighborhood provides experienced, holistic memory care designed around individualized needs in an intimate, supportive and loving environment. Contact us to learn more about independent living, assisted living and memory care Arvada, CO families trust.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Questions Regarding What Medicare Does and Doesn’t Cover?

Many seniors new to Medicare have questions about the scope of what is covered under the program. Experts explain Medicare covers the majority of seniors’ health care needs including hospital care, doctor visits, lab tests and prescription drugs. However there are some things not covered and are included in the following.

While Medicare does cover treatment and doctor visits regarding medical problems in the ears; many seniors are surprised to learn it does not cover hearing aids or routine ear exams. Hearing aids are expenses and one solution to defray the cost is to purchase Medicare gap insurance or a membership in a discount plan that helps cover the cost of hearing devices. In 2017 a bill was passed that allows hearing aids to be sold over-the-counter and without a prescription for people with mild to moderate hearing loss; greatly reducing the cost.

Eye exams, glasses and contact lenses are another one of the things not covered under traditional Medicare. Medicare does cover things like cataract surgery and other medical conditions of the eye. If you are concerned about the cost of glasses and exams, vision insurance is available. The same goes for dental care, and there are additional plans out there to help cover the cost of dental work.

If you travel out of the country, you need to know Medicare will not cover any of your medical care. Frequent travelers recommend purchasing a Medigap policy that covers certain overseas medical costs; or check into travel insurance policies offering basic health care. Some seniors opt to pay upfront for emergency medical evacuation insurance.

Other types of services not covered by Medicare are podiatry, massage therapy and chiropractic care. While short-term rehab services are covered, Medicare does not cover long-term care in retirement homes. Looking for vibrant senior living? 

MorningStar of Arvada offers independent living and assisted living designed around the various needs of older adults. Along with senior-friendly activities and built-in companionship, it is a treat to have someone else do the maintenance, cleaning and cooking so you can focus on doing the things you love most in life. For individuals with Alzheimer’s, our Reflections Neighborhood provides compassionate memory care Arvada, CO families have come to trust. Contact us to learn more.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

What Information is needed if Mom or Dad is hospitalized?

While many hospital stays are planned, older adults are more likely to require an unexpected trip to the hospital. When you have the luxury of time, it is easy to get prepared with the necessary information a parent needs when admitted to the hospital. It can be a different story if the trip is sudden.

Medical experts say to ensure a loved one gets the proper care, it is important to see to it that the hospital has a complete medical history so this is one of the things to start gathering. For starters, the hospital will want a “next of kin” contact for the patient so decide beforehand who that will be.

Now go through the list of medications your parents are taking and make sure they are all together in one location. In the event of a medical emergency, you will be able to bring all of their medications with you to ensure the hospital knows the most up-to-date medicines and dosages the person is taking.

Another thing to gather information on regards your parent’s pre-existing conditions and any recent surgeries or procedures they may have had. Provide the name of their primary care provider; and be sure to let the hospital personnel know if your parent has dementia or any physical limitations.

If the hospital doesn’t already have a copy of your loved one’s advanced directive, also known as living will, bring one with you. An advanced directive is a legal document in which a person specifies what actions should be taken in end-of-life situations when they cannot speak for themselves. Mom or dad may also have a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order, which is another kind of advance directive. It covers not receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if the person’s heart stops or if they stop breathing.

Other information to give to the hospital regards allergies and dietary restrictions. Additionally make sure your loved one has their cell phone with them as many hospital rooms do not have phones.

The MorningStar of Beaverton senior living community offers independent living, assisted living and memory care families can count on. Our 66 bright suites are offered in a choice of floorplans and configurations (some as large as 974 square feet); and deliver style, comfort, services, amenities and location for a relaxing lifestyle. For seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia-related diseases, we offer 38 all-inclusive memory care suites.

Mobility Aids & Tech Tools Improve Seniors’ Quality of Life

It seems as if every day the market offers more and more tech devices, gadgets and mobility aids designed to keep seniors moving and give them as independent a lifestyle as possible. Mobility aids include everything from canes and walkers to fall prevention items, wheelchairs, personal scooters, powered wheelchairs, transfer devices and more. The range of products is huge as in the example of walkers. While there are two basic types, standard or rolling (sometimes called rollators); the selection is varied and includes many options and add-ons such as seats and storage baskets.

Technology devices include a variety of products like health monitoring systems and cognitive aids to keep seniors safer and more connected. Today’s SOS alerts systems and fall detectors enable seniors to get help when and where they need it. Amplification devices make it easier to hear the TV, and phones are designed to be easy to use and see. Electronic medication reminders help seniors stay on track with daily meds.

Products such as shower chairs, grab bars and raised toilet seats can make a bathroom safer for seniors and help avoid falls. Ergonomic, adaptive kitchens tools are designed for seniors with arthritis and weak hand grip strength. These include specially designed bottle, cap and jar openers; and scooped plates and bowls to reduce movement.

Adaptive, light-weight tools for gardening enthusiasts also make it easier to dig in the soil and reduce hand and wrist fatigue while weeding. Raised beds and trellises eliminate the need to get down on the ground, and a rolling gardening chair cart makes it easier to get around. Thick kneeling pads are designed to more comfortably knee or sit on the ground, a few even offer cup holders and pockets for tools. Check out the Internet for other useful items.

MorningStar of Arvada’s independent living community offers 112 bright independent living suites that allow seniors to comfortably and securely age in place without giving up any of their freedom or choices. For memory care Arvada, CO families have come to count on; our distinct Reflections Neighborhood is both experienced and compassionate. Ask about MorningStar’s new SafelyYou technology, which allows us to detect and prevent falls for memory care residents with (AI) Artificial Intelligence. Contact us to learn more about the area’s most sought-after independent living.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Preparing for a Move to Senior Living Eases the Transition

Moving can be exhausting and many of us have mixed feelings about the change as we look to a new adventure, while sad to leave our old life behind. Now imagine what your parents may be feeling as they leave a familiar home for an assisted living community. The change can be even more difficult if they are going into memory care.

Experts say there are things family members can do to ease the transition and make it a more positive experience. First, involve your loved one into the decision-making process as much as possible. Discuss the various benefits of each community as regards to suites, amenities, food service and the helpfulness of the staff and administrators. Also read online reviews from other families and residents; and take advantage of in-person tours.

Once the decision is made on a particular community, now help mom or dad decide on what to bring to their new space, keeping in mind it is probably smaller than their current home. Consider an item based on its practicality, footprint, and your loved one’s feelings toward it. Be sure to include personal mementos such as family pictures and a few of their most cherished treasures he/she has collected through the years. Other furniture and items can be given to family members, sold or donated to charity.

Experts advise adult children to play an active role in helping a loved one settle into their new home and to remember it is an emotional adjustment. In-person visits help as do phone calls to let them know you are still thinking of them.

At the MorningStar of Beaverton senior living community, we are experienced in helping residents make a smooth transition by working alongside our residents and their families to listen to concerns and help solve any problems. Our community offers a full range of senior living options including independent living, assisted living and memory care. Contact us to learn more. For the best introduction to our community, our team and our amenities as well as our residents; we encourage you to schedule a tour. If possible, join us for lunch during your tour. We look forward to introducing you to the area’s top senior living.

Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

The Parkinson’s Foundation reports there are almost one million people in the United States living with Parkinson's disease; and that number is expected to increase to 1.2 million by 2030. However they say the actual number of people with PD is likely to be higher as many cases go undiagnosed.

The Mayo Clinic explains Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves. Currently there is no cure but medications can improve symptoms, and in some cases, surgery may also improve symptoms.

Parkinson’s symptoms typically start slowly, and one of the first things a person may notice is a slight tremor in one hand. Called resting tremors, they occur when the person’s hands are at rest, and the first tremors may only be the shaking of one finger. It is important to note that not all tremors are caused by Parkinson’s and you need to consult with your healthcare provider to see if it is Parkinson’s or something else causing the condition.

Stiffness or rigidity, and slowed movement known as bradykinesia are other common symptoms of the disease. Rigidity occurs in the shoulders, trunk, limbs and neck. Bradykinesia includes slowness in everyday movement and tasks such as walking, speech and eating. Another common sign of Parkinson’s is a change in the person’s handwriting. Small handwriting called micrographia occurs because of changes in the parts of the brain that control motor skills. As the disease progresses, people report problems with sleeping, mood swings and changes in cognitive skills as well as problems with vision.

The risk of Parkinson’s increases with age and most cases are diagnosed after the age of 60. Men are more likely to come down with the disease, and there is a small hereditary link. Moreover, ongoing exposure to pesticides and herbicides may increase your risk.

The MorningStar of Arvada is a senior living community offering a full range of options for seniors including independent living, assisted living and memory care Arvada, CO seniors can count on. Since our inception in 2003, MorningStar has considered it a privilege and responsibility to “cast a new light” on senior living, inspired and empowered by our mission: to honor, to value, to invest. Contact us to learn more about our vibrant community.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Improve Memory With These Lifestyle Habits

Although there are no guarantees when it comes to preventing memory loss or dementia, The Mayo Clinic offers some tips which may help older adults keep their memory sharp.

The first tip is to stay physically active. Exercise not only helps maintain weight and keep the heart healthy but also raises blood flow to the brain which could help your memory. Experts recommend healthy people to include 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity in their routine each week. They say it is best to spread out your exercise throughout the week, and for those times when you are busy, you can try several short walks throughout the day.

Help keep mentally sharp with a variety of activities such as reading, playing games or solving puzzles. Studies have found learning a new skill such as knitting, cooking or playing an instrument is a good way to sharpen cognitive skills. There can be additional benefits if you do some of these activities with others as social interaction turns out to be another way to protect our brain health and lessen our risk for dementia.

Studies also show staying organized will help us remember where things are and not feel so forgetful. A good tip for remembering things that are important is to repeat them out loud or write them down in a notebook.

Other tips for sharpening our memory include getting a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy diet. Doctors say managing chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and diabetes as well as addressing hearing problems and obesity are also important ways to protect cognitive health.

For outstanding independent or assisted living, Peoria and Glendale area seniors are encouraged to consider MorningStar at Golden Ridge. We offer all the comforts of home with stylish apartments and beautifully appointed common areas both inside and out. Our broad range of services and amenities include wellness programs and activities to promote a healthy, engaged lifestyle. In addition, our Reflections Neighborhood provides individualized care for those with Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases. Please contact us or visit our website for more information and to set up a tour.

MorningStar takes tremendous pride in the reputation we have earned for excellence and authenticity since our inception in 2003. We believe the human capacity to grow, to learn and to contribute is ageless; and we act upon that truth daily, as we care for, inspire, and love the residents under our roof. Contact us to learn more about the finest independent living, assisted living and memory care in Peoria, Arizona.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Senior Living Offers a Community of Friends

One often overlooked benefit of moving to a senior living community is the idea of built-in companionship. It solves the problem of not having to organize and travel to activities in your area. Also, inclement weather doesn’t stand in your way from getting together with friends or watching a movie, attending worship services or laughing over a game of trivia.

Loneliness and feelings of isolation in the elderly are common in the US and not surprising as 27% of Americans 60 and over live by themselves. A 2023 survey from the National Poll on Healthy Aging showed one in three adults aged 50–80 (34%) felt isolated from others (29% some of the time, 5% often) in the past year.

Experts say this can be problematic as research shows older adults who express loneliness have a 32% increase in the risk of stroke and a 29% increase in heart disease. Other problems include a disruption in sleep, higher blood pressure and increased stress levels. It can also be a predictor of functional decline and even death in adults over 60. WebMD cites studies linking people who are socially isolated to an approximately 50% higher risk of getting dementia.

As you grow older, children may have moved away or a spouse died, and you may have experienced the loss of other close relatives and friends. You may no longer work, and thus no longer enjoy companionable relationships with work colleagues. This is where senior living communities can be a big help as they not only provide maintenance-free living but the companionship and sense of well-being knowing someone is always around.

MorningStar at Golden Ridge is a wonderful example of the vibrant lifestyle senior communities offer to residents. Our beautiful home is designed to provide the ideal living arrangement for residents with options for independent living, assisted living or memory care. Please contact us to learn more about our many senior care and hospitality services, luxury amenities, wellness programs and activities. We look forward to hearing from you.

MorningStar at Golden Ridge’s foundation is based on the mission to honor God, value seniors and invest in our staff to create a unique senior living experience. Set in a warm, loving atmosphere with beautiful surroundings and resort-style amenities, we provide outstanding independent living, assisted living and memory care. Please contact us or visit our website for more information.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Specialized Care for Those With Alzheimer’s or Other Dementia Diseases

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, families must face the question of what the future will hold. For many a specifically designed memory care community will be the answer as it offers an environment focused on improving quality of life and keeping the resident safe.

A Place for Mom, a senior living referral website and information service, explains dementia care, also called memory care, is different from other senior care communities and features services such as 24-hour care, trained staff, memory-enhancing therapies, physical layouts that reduce confusion, a secure environment, and more. Moreover, as Alzheimer’s disease is progressive, a memory care home is equipped to care for a person from the onset to the most advanced stages.

Many of the behaviors and symptoms that develop as the disease progresses such as disorientation, confusion and aggression can be difficult for families to handle on their own. At memory care communities, the staff is experienced in managing these types of behaviors and uses specialized techniques to calm or stimulate as situations call for. In addition, a move to a memory community can reduce stress for family caregivers as caring for a loved one with dementia is often a full-time job and family members generally have other responsibilities.

Another benefit of memory care homes is the controlled environment which helps reduce confusion and disorientation for residents with proper lightening, clearly marked hallways, and a décor to encourage calmness and familiarity. Also, outside doors are locked to prevent wandering, allowing the inside atmosphere to safely encourage independence.

MorningStar Senior Living at Golden Ridge is honored to offer this type of comprehensive memory care in our Reflections Neighborhood. We provide support to our residents and their families with the kind of services, wellness programs and activities essential to quality of life. Our approach to memory care is encompassed under the expanse of possibilities we call Lavender Sky and uses a broad range of Montessori-based therapy techniques. Contact us or visit our website for more information.

MorningStar is guided by a culture rooted in our mission of honoring God, valuing seniors, and investing in our team, which allows us to deliver services with warmth, sincerity and depth of purpose. We have built a reputation for creating homes filled with an atmosphere of love and community. Please contact us to learn more about the finest senior living in Peoria, Arizona.


Friday, August 9, 2024

Women Can Protect Their Health With Screening Tests

Medical professionals stress the importance of women getting the proper screenings to protect their health and discover problems early when they may be more treatable. Screenings are designed for otherwise healthy individuals and recommendations change as we age.

An article in the publication US News & World Report, states, “Your doctor can help you tailor the recommendations based on your goals of care, personal and family health history, age and life expectancy.” This post discusses 4 of the 14 screenings in the article.

Breast cancer screening with a mammogram is recommended annually for woman from age 40-50, every two years for those 50 to 74 and on a case-by-case basis after that. Doctors say mammograms are key to the prevention as well as early detection of breast cancer, when it is most easily treated. Talk to your doctor about testing options if you are under the age of 40 and have a mother or sister who had breast cancer at a young age or have a high-risk genetic marker.

It is recommended women 50 years and older have a colonoscopy every ten years. As colon cancer is more common in African Americans and occurs at an earlier age, it is advised to start testing at age 45. Younger women/teens with a family history of adenomatous polyposis – a genetic condition that starts in someone as young as in the teen years may need colonoscopies at a much earlier age. Also, a woman with a history of Crohn’s disease or inflammatory bowel disease will likely be advised to have a colonoscopy at a younger age than 50. There are also other screening tests for colon cancer which may be right for you.

Diabetes is another disease a woman 45 years and older should be screened for every three years. Exceptions for screening earlier are a family history of diabetes; obesity and high blood pressure readings or you take medications for HBP.

A Lipid profile assessment testing a woman’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as the risk for heart disease should be done every five years starting at age 45, or younger for those at high risk. If lifestyle changes do not reduce your numbers, you may need medications. As with all screenings, discuss with your doctor how often you need to be screened and what steps to take to improve your health.

If you are looking for exceptional independent living, assisted living or memory care, MorningStar at Golden Ridge may be your answer. Our range of onsite amenities, care services, wellness programs and activities are designed for stress-free retirement years. Amenities include all-day dining, full-service dining rooms, salon, pool, fitness centers, life enrichment rooms, scheduled transportation and more. To experience MorningStar at Golden Ridge up close, contact us to schedule a visit.

MorningStar has considered it a privilege and responsibility to “cast a new light” on senior living, inspired and empowered by our unique mission: to honor, to value, to invest. Our passionate commitment to serving seniors has proudly earned us a reputation for satisfaction that is second to none. Contact us for more information about the finest independent living, assisted living and memory care in Peoria, AZ.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Are You Looking for Senior Living in the Phoenix Area?

Several studies have shown that most seniors who move into senior living communities say they prefer it to living alone. A Place for Mom reports that “while many seniors want to age at home as long as they can, research shows that senior living communities may be the healthier option; especially after a spouse passes away.” Also, seniors are often unaware of the wide range of services and amenities available at many communities.

When a senior lives alone, they can become isolated, especially if they have stopped driving. In addition, trying to maintain a house can be difficult for aging adults. Housekeeping chores, preparing meals, and going up and down stairs can be challenging for the elderly. Another problem faced by seniors who live alone is the fear of falling. Having no one around to help in the case of an emergency can be scary as well as life-threatening.

If you are looking for independent or assisted living in the Phoenix area, we encourage you to consider MorningStar at Golden Ridge in Peoria. Our beautiful community has Casitas and suites in a variety of floor plans. Apartments feature high end finishes, tall ceilings, lots of natural light, handicap-accessible bathrooms, emergency call systems and most have a washer and dryer.

Our community offers all the services, luxury amenities, programs and activities to ensure residents a lifestyle of comfort, wellness and security. Starting with a five-star dining service that includes meals prepared largely from scratch using the freshest ingredients, restaurant-style dining and private dining rooms, we have a bistro bar, theater/chapel, salon and fitness centers. Other amenities include an outdoor dining patio, life enrichment rooms, saline swimming pool and scheduled transportation.

Along with independent and assisted living, MorningStar at Golden Ridge provides compassionate, loving memory care in our Reflections Neighborhood for those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia-related diseases. In addition, we offer respite care, (short recuperative stays) and trial stays from one week up to a full month to see if we are a good fit. Please contact us or visit our website for more information.

MorningStar takes tremendous pride in the reputation we have earned for excellence and authenticity since our inception in 2003. We believe the human capacity to grow, to learn and to contribute is ageless; and we act upon that truth daily, as we care for, inspire, and love the residents under our roof. Contact us to learn more about the finest senior living in Peoria, Arizona.

Monday, August 5, 2024

It Can Be Difficult to Determine the Cause of Intellectual Decline

Experts report that as people age, dementia and depression are both common conditions and may be confused with one another. Additionally, one may lead to the other as depression is linked to a higher risk for dementia, and dementia can cause depression.

The Harvard Medical School explains depression in the elderly can lead to a “phenomenon called pseudodementia—an apparent intellectual decline that stems from a lack of energy or effort.” They say individuals with this problem are often forgetful, move slowly, exhibit low motivation and signs of slowing mental prowess. If a loved one experiences these types of symptoms, their doctor may treat it with the same medications used to treat depression. As the person’s mood improves, they typically begin to function at their previous level.

Professionals share a few ways depression and dementia differ to help families and healthcare providers determine what is going on. One important difference is the time span of the decline. A person with depression typically shows a faster decline in mental functioning than those suffering from Alzheimer’s or other dementia-related diseases. Also, Alzheimer’s disease causes confusion and disorientation as well as problems with short-term memory. Depression causes problems with concentration.

People suffering from depression do not have more than the usual difficulties with writing, speaking and motor skills, and are more aware of any memory problems they are experiencing. People suffering from Alzheimer’s disease seem indifferent to those types of changes. However, to determine the cause of the problem, it is important to make an appointment with the person’s healthcare provider.

Along with independent and assisted living, MorningStar at Golden Ridge provides compassionate, comprehensive care to those with memory impairment. Residents receive 24-hour care, daily health monitoring, access to a full-time nurse, and participate in wellness programs and services tailored to their special needs. For trusted senior living in Peoria, Arizona, please contact us to learn more.

MorningStar is guided by a culture rooted in our mission of honoring God, valuing seniors, and investing in our team, which allows us to deliver services with warmth, sincerity and depth of purpose. We have built a reputation for creating homes filled with an atmosphere of love and community. Please contact us for more information about the finest senior living in Peoria, Arizona.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Osteoarthritis is the Most Common Form of Arthritis

The Lancet
journal reports the most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA); and it is estimated to affect 500 million people worldwide (7% of the global population). In the US, over 32.5 million have OA, or 1 in 5 adults. Of Americans with OA, 70% are over the age of 55; and it is the leading cause of disabilities in seniors.

Females are more likely to have OA with many cases occurring after menopause. Research suggests the resulting physiological changes in a woman’s body accounts for the elevated number of cases. Obesity is another risk factor, and may be due to the increased stress on weight-bearing joints. Others are more at risk for OA due to their occupation such as agricultural work, cleaning, construction and carpentry.

OA develops as the cartilage covering the end of a joint bone begins to wear away; and the joint rubs against a rough surface rather than smooth cartilage. With repeated use of a joint and the changes in the tissue over time, the condition is more common in older adults. Pain and stiffness associated with OA can impact a person’s day-to-day life and lead to depression and anxiety as well as make it harder for them to control their weight.

While exercise has been shown to reduce pain in people with OA, it also comes with challenges. Many fear making the pain worse, and instability can cause a person to feel like they may fall or contribute to a lack of range of motion and mobility.

However, exercise can be very beneficial to people with OA. Julie Lombardo, a physical therapist and CEO of Capitol Physical Therapy in Madison, Wisconsin, says, “It’s easy for people who encounter hurdles to give up on exercising when that is the last thing they should do.” Some exercises are better than others for people with OA; and consult with your healthcare provider if you are new to exercise, have high blood pressure or heart disease, or are obese.

At MorningStar Senior Living at Golden Ridge, we provide residents with a vibrant environment that promotes wellness and engagement. Our community has a range of independent and assisted living apartments in spacious studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom floor plans. In addition, the Reflections Neighborhood offers devoted, all-inclusive memory care for seniors with memory impairment. Please visit our website to set up a tour of our beautiful community in Peoria, Arizona.

MorningStar has considered it a privilege and responsibility to “cast a new light” on senior living, inspired and empowered by our unique mission: to honor, to value, to invest. Our passionate commitment to serving seniors has proudly earned us a reputation for satisfaction that is second to none. Contact us for more information about the finest independent living, assisted living and memory care in Peoria, AZ.

Memory Care You can Trust

While a senior with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia may be fine staying at home during the early stages of the disease, there may co...